In most every IT job that I have ever had, there has always been some type of website or ‘dashboard’ specifically for the team that I was currently working with. That home page would have embedded web links to the common or uncommon websites that we accessed day to day, sometimes there were training links, and other fun things. I decided to go ahead and create my own ‘welcome’ site, or ‘dashboard’ if you will. Link:
There is already a huge amount of information on the Dashboard. The main page is a bunch of web links to day to day things that includes manufacturer support links, anti-malware download links, app deployment information, and more. Another page labeled “Direct Downloads” is a list of software with the direct download link next to each entry. Finally, there is an iPad and iPhone App page which is incomplete, but this is where I am going to post my recommended iOS apps under categories like “Can’t Live Without”, “Nice-to-Haves”, and “Don’t Bother”. Of course, I will add more pages with content specific things in the future (such as a different page titled “ITIL training info”).
Remember to leave a comment or send me an email if there is some type of reasonable content that you would like added to the dashboard.