"Don't be a know-it-all, be a learn-it-all."

I love to learn. Also, I love to share what I have learned.

Here are some of my resources. These are my trusted products, people, sites, blogs, and news outlets that I read/listen/consume on a regular basis (in no particular order).

Agnostic Tech Podcast


Eric Weinstein - Intellectual Darkweb

Gad Saad

Joe Rogan

Jocko Willink

Jordan B. Peterson

Life Hacker

Majiid Nawaz

Michael Hyatt

Om Malik

OMG! Ubuntu!

Paul Thurrott

Ravi Zacharias

Sam Harris

Seth Godin

Simon Sinek

This Week In Tech (TWiT Netcast)

Windows Weekly (TWiT Netcast)

YCombinator's Hacker News

Zig Ziglar