Writing story, novel, or non-fiction material is no easy task. For most, it takes months or years just to get thoughts and ideas written down on paper. Sometimes there is research involved and trying to incorporate that into the book is its own task. Finally after having everything in one place, the author needs to start writing. But what if the author starts writing and needs to go back and make edits? Or better yet, what if the author wants to completely change the story? Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer provide a fantastic word editor with all of the features a word editor should have. But Word and OpenOffice Writer don’t offer the management piece that authors need to keep their thoughts about the book in one place. This is where Storybook
Taking straight from the website, “Storybook is a free novel-writing tool for creative writers, novelists and authors which will help you to keep an overview of multiple plot-lines while writing books, novels or other written works.” Storybook
You can start writing down your thoughts and ideas immediately. As you can see on the screenshot on the left, you can go back and reference your notes on Characters, the Chapters, Locations, strands of the story arc, and parts of the story all in one app. You don’t need to keep going back and forth with multiple instances of Word or Writer. Everything is provided in the same app on the screen.
Thanks to I have started to write my ideas down about a story that I have had in my head for many years. If it wasn’t for Storybook I may have never written down the ideas and the story may never have come to fruition! is free to download and use. It is available for Windows and Linux (no MACs here). If you have been wanting to write your own story, Storybook
FYI: Another notable novel writing software pick - yWriter 5