One of the things that I truly enjoy is donating my time to family and friends to help them fix a problem with their computer (only as long as they don’t abuse this free service ). The problem is that I live in Florida and most everyone else is scattered across North America. Trying to walk someone through a process on the phone can be daunting at times and the easiest thing to do is to actually be in front of the computer myself. But there is no way that they are going to ship me their computer and then myself ship it back to them. This is why I use TeamViewer
TeamViewer is a fantastic remote support tool which is free for personal use. TeamViewer allows you to remote control another computer that is connected to the internet. It is extremely easy to use: Just go to and click on the big green button to install the technician console software on your own computer. Sign up for a free personal account and that is pretty much it. When you are ready to help a friend, simply have them go to the same website and have them click on the link titled “Join a Remote Session” to download an run a small app. After a few seconds the app displays two things onscreen - an access code and a password. Open the technician console on your computer, type in the access code, then the password and voila! You are now remote controlling that person’s computer!
Another way to use TeamViewer is to install the console client on all of your personal computers and set them up with your TeamViewer account. When you do this, TeamViewer runs as a service on the computer so that you can remotely access all of your computers on the fly without having to type in a code! This type of remote control access is very close to another very popular remote control service, LogMeIn Free.
If you plan on using this TeamViewer for your business, it is much cheaper than LogMeIn Rescue and has all of the same features. Oh, and did I mention that TeamViewer works for both Windows and Mac computers? Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions or comments. Cheers!